
I am a member of the teaching staff for DATA C8: Foundations of Data Science, a 1,500+ person course at UC Berkeley that teaches students of all majors and statistics/computer science backgrounds the core concepts of inference and computing while working hands-on with real data. I am also a recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (OGSI) Award in Data Science.

Data Science Developer, Seamless Learning: Accessibility Workshop (Summer 2024)

Professional Development Workshop, University of California, Berkeley: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), 2024


  • Upgraded course materials to be compliant with WCAG 2.0 AA technical standards
  • Integrated accessibility checkers into content development pipelines (e.g., A11y and GitHub Actions) for various course materials (e.g., course webpages, lecture notes, PDFs, etc.)
  • Created accessibility evaluation reports for course resources that demonstrate compliance with campus requirements, facilitating any public posting of such resources
  • Migrated authentication platforms to use Canvas authentication
  • Created System Security Reports for custom course tools
  • Presented tools and results to campus faculty and staff in Statistics, Data Science, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Course Director, DATA C8: Foundations of Data Science (Summer 2024)

Undergraduate Course, University of California, Berkeley: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), 2024


  • Led a staff of 5 Leads, 7 Undergraduate Student Instructors, and 11 Tutors through all aspects of the course
  • Facilitated discussions and generated action items for weekly Lead, Undergraduate Student Instructor, and Tutor meetings
  • Managed the administrative/logistical set-up of the course (reserving classrooms and assigning 300 students to lab sections and 23 staff members to teams, lab sections, tutoring sections, office hours, exam proctoring/grading, and other events)
  • Chaired the midterm and final exam writing, proctoring, and grading processes
  • Curated lecture materials/recordings and course policies
  • Maintained proper access to student, staff, and auditor materials via email, Slack, Google Drive, Gradescope, and Ed Discussion
  • Ensured compliance with campus accommodations for students with disabilities and procedures for students resolving past “Incomplete” grades
  • Ensured staff members were fulfilling their assigned duties and accurately reporting their workloads
  • Interfaced with department and campus staff to ensure the course’s seamless functioning
  • Remained on call for student and staff emergencies via email, Slack, and Ed Discussion

Lead Undergraduate Student Instructor, DATA 198: Foundations Scholars (Fall 2023)

Undergraduate Course, University of California, Berkeley: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), 2023


Lead Facilitator, Berkeley Unboxing Data Science (BUDS) (Summer 2023)

Internship Program, University of California, Berkeley: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), 2023


  • Led a team of ten student interns from historically underrepresented backgrounds in STEM through a rigorous, hands-on enrichment program to develop their understanding of the computational approaches, applications, and possibilities of data science and data analytics on a personal and societal level
  • Mentored interns through individual projects implementing the data science life cycle, from gathering publicly available data to cleaning and critically analyzing the data in Jupyter Notebooks with Python to presenting their research findings
  • Collaborated with the two faculty directors to enhance the internship experience by transitioning from a remote to an in-person format and integrating external workshops featuring guest speakers from industry and academia
  • Mentored two associate group facilitators and met with them throughout the program to discuss effective pedagogy techniques and professional development

Group Tutor, DATA C8: Foundations of Data Science (Fall 2022)

Undergraduate Course, University of California, Berkeley: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), 2022


  • Led two weekly group tutoring sections, reinforcing students’ understanding of course concepts with exam-style practice problems
  • Held semi-weekly office hours, monitored the online Q&A forum every day, graded assignments, and proctored and graded exams
  • Consulted with the lead instructors to practice effective pedagogy and refine course materials on a weekly basis
  • Received UC Berkeley People & Culture’s Campus Wide Staff Appreciation Award for “going above and beyond what is normally done”

Lab Assistant, DATA C8: Foundations of Data Science (Spring 2022)

Undergraduate Course, University of California, Berkeley: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), 2022


  • Assisted 45 students every week in lab with questions about discussion worksheets, Jupyter Notebook assignments in Python, projects, and other course materials in DATA C8
  • Met with a shadow Undergraduate Student Instructor (uGSI) throughout the semester to practice and reflect on personal pedagogy skills and professional development